Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Die Cable Die! Or, Why Watch TV on Netflix

Say goodbye to those unsightly commercials!

Commercials suck. Even if you're fast-forwarding through them, you still have to sit and watch. Fuck that.

I don't watch new shows on TV anymore. I wait for the season to come out on DVD, and rent them via Netflix.

If you're not doing this, you should. A good show with no commercials is amazingly more interesting than a good show with commercials. (even commercials you fast-forward through).

Newer TV shows are significantly more cinematic than those of yore, and to break the story constantly with talking snot, tampons with wings, and smug car salesmen, well, it just sucks. When I'm in a story, I want to stay in the story, dammit!

I know, it doesn't sound like it'd make a difference, but it does: I saw the first two seasons of Lost without any breaks. Hell, I saw most of the first season in a single day and it was a religious frickin' experience, it was so damn good.

The downside: you have to wait until the shows come out on DVD. Everyone else is watching and talking about what was on last night, and you have to wait. You're behind the times, surfing the wake of the zeitgeist.

Get over it. Any removal of advertising in your life is a good thing.

(Yes, I know there are ads on either side of this post. But some of you will click on them. You can't help it.)

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