Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Heroes sucks like a 2 dollar whore

the only reason to watch Heroes

Why the fuck does Heroes have to kick me off the bandwagon every time I get on? I’m TRYING to like this show, I really am. I was ready to bail after a marginal season despite glimpses of untapped potential, but they finally got me with the last couple episodes. FINALLY they focused the show, forgot about many of the worthless characters, and got down to the core characters and the meat of the story. I was officially on board.
And then Monday night they pimp-slapped me with the same ol crap. (SPOILERS AHEAD, but trust me you’re better off if I just ruin it for you)
I’m talking about episode 21 “The Hard Part”. Hiro and Ando have just jumped back from 5 years in the future. They are two days away from the bomb exploding, and have a chance to save New York. Meanwhile, Sylar is channeling Nostradamus and paints himself blowing up NYC.
This is where they twist the knife. Sylar discovers that he’s going to kill more people, and suddenly…. he’s repentant. So natch, he calls up his buddy Mohinder- you know, the guy he had pinned to the ceiling and was torturing two episodes ago.
‘Hey Mohinder, I know I’ve been killing innocent people and shit, but I’m really concerned about killing that many innocent people. That just ain’t right. Can you help a brotha out?’
WTF? Are you freakin kidding me here? Sylar has Mohinder on speed dial and asks for a hand? Obviously Mohinder tells him to go blow a goat.
Back to Hiro and Ando- they find Sylar, and Ando is fired up. OMG it’s your big chance!!! Dude, you have to kill Sylar!
And Hiro say, ‘ but I’m not supposed to kill him for a couple days.’ Huh?
Ando points out that Sylar is going to dismember him tomorrow, so Hiro might want to get off his ass if he still wants a best friend to hang out with next weekend. But Hiro’s got yet another excuse- he can’t kill Sylar while he’s asking for forgiveness.
Let me get this straight- Hiro has spent the entire show bragging that he will save New York, spent about 10 episodes looking for a samurai sword (you know, for killing people and shit), has already seen the future if he doesn’t get it done, knows that Sylar is going to kill his best friend soon, and HAS THE ABILITY TO FREEZE TIME FOR THE EASIEST KILL OF ALL TIME.
What the hell is he waiting for?
So finally Hiro makes his move, freezes Sylar, unsheathes his sword, and… wets his pants. He’s got the blade to Sylar’s head and can’t make the kill. Big spoiler here- Sylar gets away.
We know Sylar isn’t going to die, so why even have this episode?

Hiro’s a goddamn pussy. Fuck this show.

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