Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sarah Silverman bitch-slapped Paris Hilton

Jessica Biel and Sarah Silverman getting nasty on the MTV movie awards...

Sarah Silverman hosted the MTV movie awards, and made good use of her stage time to say the things on everyone's minds- including absolutely CR-USHING Paris Hilton, who was in the audience to take the humiliation on live tv.

Read more to watch and enjoy. You can call me up to thank me later.

Sarah rips Paris a new a-hole.

I’m gonna save you from the frustration- don’t bother watching Jessica Biel in the pseudo lesbian action with Sarah Silverman- it doesn’t happen. But Will Farrell and Sasha Cohen do get steamy, if you’re into that sort of thing.


Chris said...

I interviewed Sarah Silverman about the Paris Hilton joke. Check it out at:

Sarah Silverman Interview at SSO

Moxon said...

That's a little misleading. It was a general interview, and Silverman's total response regarding the reaction to the Paris Hilton joke was:

"It’s very bittersweet. There was no way I wasn’t going to do a Paris joke - it was the 500 pound gorilla in the room. But, I felt bad for her, too."

Lenny said...

oh noooooooooooo

this is joke
