Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pirates 3 just might suck

What's that smell?

The reviews are coming in for Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and so far it doesn't smell too good. Wasn't it bad enough that it has the longest title since Homework, or How Pornography Saved the Split Family from Boredom and Improved their Financial Situation
(that's a good film, by the way)
Here's a sampling of quotes from various reviewers:

...What started out as a fleet one-off swashbuckler with novel
supernatural elements has become loaded and graceless, with each new entry
barreling across the goal line like William "The Refrigerator" Perry...

...It's an even more tedious storytelling mess, with a plot so muddled
it's impossible to accurately describe, generating zero interest in its
characters and grinding on for nearly three endless hours...

...It's not a total shipwreck, but abandon hope all ye seeking a coherent, much less satisfying, narrative...

Yeah, it's not good when you are being compared to Refrigerator Perry. And those are the GOOD quotes. Don't get me wrong- I'm still going to see this for myself, (and you probably will too). But consider this a fair warning: Metacritic has given Pirates a score of 55. by comparison, Shrek 3 scored a 58 and Vacancy scored a 54.

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