Friday, May 25, 2007

Star Wars Technology and Mythology Explored

I don't recall the buddha crackin skulls
and cuttin' shit up with a light saber...

The History Channel is going to run a pretty interesting show called Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed, which will explore the mythology of Star Wars as well as the origins of various characters and plotlines from classic literature, Greek mythology, even the Bible and various religions.

Check out a sample of the lineup of interviewees on this show:

JJ Abrams
Peter Jackson
Kevin Smith
Joss Whedon
Stephen Colbert

That's an impressive list. The show goes deeper, exploring classic archetypes of myth-

Hero (Luke Skywalker)
Sage (Yoda/Obi-Wan)
Comedians (R2-D2/C-3PO)
Shadow (Darth Vader/Darth Maul)

The show is on Memorial day at 9pm, right after another Star Wars show called Star Wars Tech, where the technology of Star Wars is explored for its scientific feasibility. The show will cover light sabers, 3D imaging, even the possibility of building a Death Star.

Personally, I think the mythology one could be cool, but the tech one sounds a little too trekkie for my tastes. But hey, if you're still living in your parent's basement with no girlfriend, then enjoy, my friend.

Memorial Day Lineup
Star Wars Tech 8pm
Star Wars: The Legacy Revealed 9pm

Better check your guide to make sure those times are right.

history channel

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