Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Netflix Review: Slither (2006)

Slither (2006)
Suggested Netflix Queue Position: 13

This movie is the absolute best horror-comedy starring giant alien space boogers that I know of. It’s not great, but it doesn’t aspire to greatness. It’s a monster movie with some very funny moments, and a few genuine surprises.

The presence of Nathan Fillion reminded me that it could’ve been more, though. (He’s the captain from “Firefly,” and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’ve only been living half a life) Fillion is a funny, funny guy, but he’s the only one that really shows up as an interesting character. The others have moments, but all that disappears when the slimy polish sausages start jumping into the nearest mouths.

The movie’s a little too in love with the monster and surrounding gore (I started to get bored instead of freaked out), but it does achieve real creepiness a few times. Never has my gag reflex been triggered so much by a movie. (Are you the kind of person that now really wants to see it, or really doesn’t?)

No breasts. None. Zee-ro breasts, which is unforgivable in any kind of horror movie (side boobs do not count). Good use of Happy Music During a Monster Scene. Acid goodness. A crazy deer kicks someone’s ass. A guy gets cut in half. Like a plain but spunky girl, the film is best enjoyed after two beers or an El Presidente margarita.

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