The studio execs felt optimistic that the Coppola kid could turn on his special, bad-acting charm and win over the locals. Didn’t quite turn out that way. The Monkey photog gathered this dish from the event.
National Treasure 2: More Inside News
Foley uncovered some nice Czechoslovakian dish on Natty Treasure 2, the upcoming (and latest) Nick Coppola disaster.
Well, guess what? There’s MORE inside buzz to be shared about NT2, uncovered by yours truly. It turns out there was a pre-advanced preliminary screening in Wichita, KS last night, and the Monkey has gotten its opposable thumbs on what REALLY happened at the event.
Held in a rickety barn near the water tower, the screening was highly anticipated by studio execs as a way to gauge audience reaction prior to the December 21 release. Strangely, the town folk didn’t share the studio’s excitement. When announced, reactions could only be classified as mixed:
* Doc, the Barber: “National Treasure 2? I guess that means there was a first one?”
* Gus, the Blacksmith: “Are you kidding? After they poured lemon juice on the Declaration of Independence?”
* Nancy, the town slut: “I liked the first one, but I wasn’t watching the screen the whole time.”
Still, the execs felt optimistic that the Coppola kid could turn on his special, bad-acting charm and win over the locals. Didn’t quite turn out that way. The Monkey photog gathered these pics from the event:

"Don't ever show that movie here again!"

It wasn't the theater nachos, folks.

A local on her way to the screening
So as you can see, it’s a pretty rocky start for Natty Treasure 2. To be fair about the Monkey Trade, we’ll post news from the AVP2 advanced screening as well.
I’m in for a world of hurt.
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