Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Netflix TV: The 4400

X-Men meets X-Files. And it works.

The 4400
Suggested Netflix Queue Position: 2

Premise: A giant ball of light shows up near Seattle and barfs out 4400 people. They're all missing persons, and they've all disappeared at different times - some from 2001, some from 1946. They have no memory of where they've been. Then, they start to develop special powers: seeing the future, glowing, ability to heal, and so on.

Yes, it sounds a like X-Men, but it feels like The X-Files. We follow well-intentioned gov't agents as they cruise through several layers of weirdness, mysteries, secrets, and conspiracies. Unlike X-Files, there is no question as to whether the agents will sleep together. They will not. But they shag other folk, so that's fine.

Why watch: Good surprises, government conspiracies, gradual reveals of a longer storyline, and some really weird powers. Nothing too comic-booky, like Porcupine Boy - mostly stuff that messes with your head, which is a welcome change (and cheaper to film, I'm sure).

Some excellent plot twists, and plenty of the New TV Drama Rule, which is Kill Off Major Characters. Only a few scenes and subplots are abjectly stupid, and there's enough good that they're worth wading through.

Bonus: Summer Glau, the Hot & Crazy chick from "Firely" and "Serenity" has an intermittent role.

So far, I've seen three seasons on DVD. Verdict: better than Lost.

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